Huang Chien-Liang Celebrates 25 Years in the U.S.; Raises $5000 for Charity
Article by Jonathan Pett Miller
Photos by Dr. Wayne Hunt

Rain poured down so hard, it deterred all except the most determined traveler from setting foot outside. Even under these conditions, more than 700 people from all over the country made their way to the Hunt Valley Marriott — a strange center for martial arts. This site is well known for the Kuo shu tournaments held here annually. This year, and this time, this hotel hosted a special celebration for a special teacher: Huang Chien-Liang.
Many people know Huang Chien-Liang for his sponsorship of first class tournaments, or because of his championship students, or for his role as 64th generation Grandmaster and guardian of Tien Shan Pai, or perhaps for his videos and articles. First and foremost, however, he is a teacher — a Shih-fu — in the truest sense of the word.
In 1973, a young 25 year old martial artist named Huang made his way from Taiwan R.O.C. to the U.S. And 25 years later, in 1998, he celebrated his remarkable efforts to promote martial arts in the U.S.
More than 61 students and grand students participated in a demonstration of the awesome breadth of Tien Shan Pai in 45 parts. Inaugurated by a traditional lion dance, the show ran the gamut: internal and external; forms in single and two person variety; weapons and empty hands; Chin nas and Shuai Chiao; Chi Kung and breaking; Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing I Chuan, Pa Kua Chuan; and much, much more.
Even the Grandmaster himself joined in on the demonstration, giving a show that left even the most jaded audience members transfixed by the graceful and powerful forms that represents Tien Shan Pai. Huang wielded the double broadsword in a two-man set of double broadsword versus spear, formally closing the first half of the demonstration. Huang concluded the show with “Rainbow Broadsword,” a Tien Shan Pai form reserved for only the most advanced and dedicated student. In this routine, Huang used the oversized broadsword of Pa Kua Chang, to which was attached a 6 foot long flag.
Although the event honored Grandmaster Huang, he generously donated the $ 5,000 in proceeds to the Maryland Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. In the past, Huang has been an active supporter of charitable causes. He has raised money for groups such as the March of Dimes, The Fund to Rebuild Baltimore, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, and the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. In addition to members of the MS Society and the Taiwan cultural and economic delegation, martial arts masters including Martin Ware, Dennis Brown and Kevin Preston attended the event.
The afternoon also featured two video montages that captured Huang’s twenty-five years of teaching. Never one to hold on to the spotlight, Huang concluded the program with a third montage featuring Huang’s legendary teacher — Supreme Master Wang Chueh-Jen — the 63rd generation Tien Shan Pai Grandmaster who left stewardship of this style to his top student Huang. This remarkable tape showed a vigorous 72-year-old Wang showing off his ground style and double broadsword forms. In recognizing his teacher, Huang honored his teacher’s maxim: “As you enter to study the art, you must respect your teacher and remember that virtue is more important than any technique.”
After the event, Grandmaster Huang joined performers and special guests for a traditional Chinese dinner.
A book celebrating Huang Chien-Liang’s 25 years in the U.S. is forthcoming. To obtain this book, or to join the International Tien Shan Pai Association, please contact Grandmaster Huang at P.O. Box 20269, Baltimore, Maryland 21284-0269, USA. Telephone: 410.337.5425. E-mail: